If you have played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, of course you are quite familiar with the city of Los Santos, which is one of three cities in the state of San Andreas (with the other two cities being San Fierro and Las Venturas). Grand Theft Auto V will be located in Los Santos again, but don't expect gadget friends to be able to visit the exact same place as in GTA: San Andreas, because the Los Santos in this game is different from the Los Santos that gadget friends know.
Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto V is located on an island surrounded by ocean, so somehow Rockstar will connect this city with two other cities. Different from the previous Grand Theft Auto, and quite similar to GTA: San Andreas, here gadget friends can not only get around the city, but can also climb mountains, explore forests, and walk in the American-style desert (so don't expect any camel huh). Also a little entertainment for San Andreas fans, here gadget friends will still find Grove Street Home, aka CJ's alley from GTA: San Andreas, there are even missions involving this place too.
One thing that always makes me think, according to Rockstar, the Grand Theft Auto V map is the largest map in a video game (at least when the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions were released), it is even said that the map of this game is bigger than the maps of Red Dead Redemption, GTA combined: San Andreas, and GTA IV. Even so, when playing this game I felt that the world I explored in GTA: San Andreas was bigger than GTA V. Either because the terrain and cities were more varied, or maybe because San Andreas was more able to give the illusion of a big place than GTA V .
But even though the excitement and sense of adventure that I felt when exploring GTA: San Andreas was more interesting than GTA V, it still cannot be denied that Los Santos in GTA V is quite an exciting place to explore. How exciting is it? Starting from doing crazy things like speeding or anarchic acts, to just looking at the scenery or cycling up the mountain looking for ghosts, everything is very fun to spend your free time for gadget friends (or even to spend busy time for gadget friends).
The Grand Theft Auto series has always been controversial because this game always puts gadget friends in the perspective of a criminal. Not only are the Gadget Buddy characters involved in the criminal world, the supporting characters in this series are also not far from the dark side of life. In Grand Theft Auto V, gadget friends will meet supporting characters from various backgrounds, starting from celebrities who are trapped in a life of wild sex and illegal drugs and are always followed by journalists who do whatever they can to get exclusive news about these celebrities, high-ranking officials Hollywood (here called Vinewood) whose business is closely intersected with crime, car dealer owners who commit credit fraud to their customers, to corrupt police who also often do illegal things just for the sake of promotion and worldly possessions. At a glance, you could say that the character roles in this game really remind me of another cool open-world game, Sleeping Dogs.
Of course, because you often deal with people like the ones above, gadget friends will often be forced to carry out criminal activities. Here, gadget friends can carry out gunfights with controls that are not difficult (there is an option for automatic aiming but it doesn't really make the game easier), exciting racing actions on highways, rivers, forests, or even in the air, up to sneak attacks. sneak around like a ninja (which in the end will end in a blind firefight too).
One of the coolest parts of the gameplay in Grand Theft Auto V is the Heist action, aka carrying out a planned robbery. In this mission, your characters will be given tasks to collect materials such as stealing a garbage truck and leaving the truck in a safe place, monitoring the target location to find a good escape route, and so on. In the Heist mission, gadget friends will be required to actively use the three characters according to their respective functions. Not only is it fun to do, this Heist mission is also very interesting because every time you complete it, your character will immediately receive a very high payment from the proceeds of the robbery.
Overall, carrying out illegal actions in Grand Theft Auto V is still as exciting as in previous GTA games. Even so, the many things that can be done in this game often make me prefer to live peacefully and do positive activities in Los Santos rather than behaving like a scary crazy psychopath.

Apart from playing alone using the three available characters, gadget friends can also play using your own characters in Grand Theft Auto: Online. In this mode, gadget friends can explore the exact same map, but with very different activity options. Gadget friends can buy a vehicle to show off on the road and store in a private garage, or gadget friends can also just steal a vehicle on the road to just go from one place to another.
Apart from just carrying out activities as you please in an unclear way, gadget friends can also carry out various competitive or cooperative missions with other GTA: Online players. The missions are quite varied and very exciting to do. Starting from standard racing, racing with weapons like Mario Kart, team shooting, or also killing each other like a death match or royal rumble. What's even cooler, especially for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, gadget friends will also be presented with a special mission where the camera is locked in first-person perspective and gadget friends have to face off against gadget friends as if they were playing Call of Duty or Counter Strike.
Different Experiences Usually when discussing re-releases of games from the last generation to the current generation, I will only praise the higher resolution or better frame rate. Actually, this also applies to GTA V, but the difference is that apart from changes in performance, this game also offers a new feature that changes the playing experience drastically. The new feature I mean is the feature to change the camera perspective from third person to first person.
Changing the camera angle may sound simple, but actually to make something like this happen, a lot of work has to be done, from the new objects and animations that have to be created, to adjusting the controls so that the game in first-person mode is not considered a mode. damaged. Unfortunately my experience playing GTA V from a first person perspective could be said to be a bit disappointing.
Actually, whether it's disappointing or not all depends on your gadget's goals and expectations when playing first-person mode. If your goal is just to think of this mode as a gimmick, then this first-person mode is fun enough to at least do stupid things from a new perspective. But if gadget friends hope to finish this game and play 100% in first-person perspective like Far Cry 4, good luck. Because you could say that the world and missions in GTA V are really designed with a third-person camera as standard, so it's clear that there are quite a lot of missions and activities that are very, very difficult to do with a first-person camera.
Apart from performance improvements and first-person features, GTA V on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One also gets several additional in-game content. The new content that gadget friends can find is spread from various new weapons and vehicles, increasing the maximum number of players in one mode in GTA Online, as well as various new missions and events that can occur in the game.
For gadget friends who play GTA V with PlayStation 4, gadget friends are also presented with very cool new minor things. What I mean is the sound that comes out when your gadget character chats using a cellphone. If a normal chat will produce sound on a regular speaker, then a chat on a cellphone will sound out of the speaker on your DualShock 4 gadget friend. As I mentioned, this is very minor, but it can provide a realistic feel that can improve the playing experience.
Some gadget friends may be wondering whether it is worth repeating the GTA V game if you have previously played the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 version just to be able to experience the first-person camera? Honestly, it's not worth it at all. If you are really curious about this first-person camera, my suggestion is to try it out for a while at your gadget friend's place or rent it if you have one. Because it's possible that gadget friends will feel bored with this first-person mode a few tens of minutes after trying it.
Minimum PC Specifications
Sistem Operasi Win 7 64bit SP1
Processor AMD Phenom 2.8 Ghz / Intel Quad Core 2,4 GHZ
DireCt X Versi 9.0
VGA Nvidia 9800 1GB / intel / AMD HD 1GB
Soundcard Suport DirectX 10 Compatible
Hardisk: 500 GB 3,5” SATA
Recommended PC Specifications
Sistem Operasi Windows 8.1 64 BitProsesor / AMD X8 FX – 8350 4 Ghz ( 8CPU ) / Intel Core i5 3470 3,2 GHZ
Direct X Versi 9.0
VGA nVidia GeForce 9800 GT / GTX660 2gb / AMD HD 7870 2gb
Soundcard Suport DirectX 10 Compatible
Hardisk: 1TB 3.5″, SATA-III